Macbook pro 2015 vs 2020
Macbook pro 2015 vs 2020

That doesn’t really come as a big surprise, though.

macbook pro 2015 vs 2020

According to their report, the iPad Pro with 4GB RAM and Dual-Core A9X processor outperforms the current 12-inch MacBook as well as the iPad Air 2 and even the most current iPhones.

macbook pro 2015 vs 2020

One publication has been putting the new iPad Pro through its performance tests, comparing it with other devices along the way. Those that do want to pick up an iPad Pro can, of course, do so right now, and it turns out that the Pro designation isn’t wasted on Apple’s new tablet either, with the machine outpacing at least one of Apple’s notebook computers in CPU tests. Whatever your stance on tablet computers, though, the iPad Pro has to be a machine that has at least caught your attention even if only to reaffirm your belief that you don’t want one.

macbook pro 2015 vs 2020

The iPad Pro went on sale today, almost stealthily with a lack of fanfare that should probably worry those who are fans of Apple’s tablet devices.

Macbook pro 2015 vs 2020